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By russp
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
PaulSS wrote:It would be lovely to get the SkyDemon map and databases on Dynon kit, especially if it could be a vector map. I use PocketFMS for the databases and the European chart. It's good and works well but the map is a raster chart, so just gets bigger as you zoom in, with no adapting changes.....just like using a magnifying glass. With the database information overlaid you do get decent information on airspace etc but really not as good as the SkyDemon on my iPad.

Yes it's decent but not as good .. are you looking at how to incorporate the new radio freqs from SD into the dynon? Sems dynon already uses the Rx feed on the trig radio for the same purpose, I'm wondering if I can input two different feeds on the same pin.
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By Cub
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Whilst Tim is undoubtedly a very clever chap and knows exactly how to evolve a product in relation to his customer’s needs, I passionately believe that a large measure of SkyDemon’s success comes from the fact that Hannah, Louise, Rob and Tim are very lovely people. The team are incredibly efficient at supporting and promoting a complex aviation product and constantly changing database, whilst retaining the personal touch with their customers that was either, never achieved or long lost by their competitors

I have met a number of life-long friends through aviation but just a very few that you love, trust and talk to like family. I am very proud to call Tim such a friend and watch with huge satisfaction as SkyDemon continues to soar.
A le Ron, Tim Dawson, T6Harvard and 11 others liked this
By Nick
Yes they are a far better company by far than the shower at Runway HD. They lied to me all they way along. Blaming everyone for the problems incurred and not honouring guarantees.

By Roadrunner99
I brief and fly with SkyDemon. Its an excellent product, its user friendly, enables weather, in flight situational awareness of both traffic and airspace. The preflight brief is very thorough. Whilst learning I found the post flight analysis enabled me to review my flight and see what learnings I cold take.

I fly with map and compass, paper plog, and SkyDemon, as consumer electronics can fail, however that does not detract from its capability.
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By Spamcan Defender
While I appreciate its not necessarily their bag, given the HUGE success of SD, I'd like to see them introduce some more IFR features such as route planning and IFR FPL submission in a similar vein to Autorouter. Hell, even an Autorouter plug-in type thing or integration would be outstanding...

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By GrahamB
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Spamcan Defender wrote:While I appreciate its not necessarily their bag, given the HUGE success of SD, I'd like to see them introduce some more IFR features such as route planning and IFR FPL submission in a similar vein to Autorouter. Hell, even an Autorouter plug-in type thing or integration would be outstanding...


You can export an Autorouter route to SD very easily, especially on a tablet.
By berbles
Given that SD is a product of English origin, I was surprised to find during my recent foray in to the land of EASA licences via the flying club at Alicante that SD was standard kit for the pilots and the instructors, which if it is as true across Europe as it is in Spain means Tim is really quite a successful UK export.
I’ve used it since it was Skyangel and it is without a doubt the biggest advance in GA since I learned 19 years ago (Noise cancelling headphones bring the second biggest advance). During My recent IR(R) renewal my instructor even encouraged me to have SD open with Exeters georeferenced chart loaded for really comprehensive situational awareness as we were vectored around from NDB to ILS approaches.
What I do appreciate also is Tim’s lack of Penny-pinching: I can run SD on my iPad, my phone and my 2 PCs with no annoying licensing issues.
I see the CAA are at last committing to the implementation of live weather via some form of ADS-B, once this is integrated into SD it will make another massive improvement. I’ve flown with live weather overlaid on to Foreflight in the US and can’t wait for it to come here.
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By patowalker
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
berbles wrote:Given that SD is a product of English origin, I was surprised to find during my recent foray in to the land of EASA licences via the flying club at Alicante that SD was standard kit for the pilots and the instructors, which if it is as true across Europe as it is in Spain means Tim is really quite a successful UK export. ... r-exports/
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By PeteSpencer
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Wouldn’t it be nice if they had a reduced or zero sub for long standing former subscribers who have retired from flying and no longer have need for fully functional SD for flight planning or navigation purposes but still like to ‘look back’ for old times sake at logs of flights made in the past, now sadly lost ?

A bit like the three Surgical Colleges I am a Fellow of but no longer practice .

My full SD membership stopped with a resounding click at the end of last fully paid up sub and I can’t even access my old airfield entry for the new lessees phone number! :roll:
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By Spamcan Defender
GrahamB wrote:You can export an Autorouter route to SD very easily, especially on a tablet.

Yes, I was aware of this but my fault for being a tad vague........

What I was getting at was Autorouters ability to GENERATE compliant IFR routes. IF SD had the same ability to GENERATE and FILE IFR flight plans then the world (Well, MY world :D ) would be a happier place. Of course, doing it the way I do it now is not exactly a chore but seeing as the world sems to be about integration these days I suspect there's an opportunity here!!

By classgee
FLYER Club Member (reader)  FLYER Club Member (reader)
PeteSpencer wrote:Wouldn’t it be nice if they had a reduced or zero sub for long standing former subscribers who have retired from flying and no longer have need for fully functional SD for flight planning or navigation purposes but still like to ‘look back’ for old times sake at logs of flights made in the past, now sadly lost ?

Quite a poor decision by Skydemon that those who do not have a current subscription cannot have access to their previous flight history. Whilst you should obviously need a current sub to use the navigation features, your previous logs should be fully accessible.
PeteSpencer, T67M, Spamcan Defender and 1 others liked this
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By Dave W
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
PeteSpencer wrote:Wouldn’t it be nice if they had a reduced or zero sub for long standing former subscribers who have retired from flying...

How long ago did you make this suggestion on the SkyDemon forums?
townleyc liked this
By Mike Tango
I’m not familiar enough with it to know if this would work but Sky Demon Light, a stripped down version available for free on the App Store, lets you open previously saved routes. Would that work for seeing old flights once subscription to full product has ended?
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By GrahamB
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
classgee wrote:Quite a poor decision by Skydemon that those who do not have a current subscription cannot have access to their previous flight history. Whilst you should obviously need a current sub to use the navigation features, your previous logs should be fully accessible.

You can generate a detailed list of all your flight logs and export it to a CSV file.
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By Sir Morley Steven
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Autorouter and SkyDemon don’t need to integrate. Just copy and paste your route generated by Autorouter into SkyDemon and bingo!
Not sure what more you would need.
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