Thu Jul 04, 2024 4:37 pm
When visiting Welshpool I often wonder what the late Bob Poole, airfield owner, had on the altimeter subscale that fatefully day when he hit the hillside?
Shoestring Flyer wrote:When visiting Welshpool I often wonder what the late Bob Jones, airfield owner, had on the altimeter subscale that fatefully day when he hit the hillside?
Shoestring Flyer wrote:When visiting Welshpool I often wonder what the late Bob Poole, airfield owner, had on the altimeter subscale that fatefully day when he hit the hillside?
GrahamB wrote:Shoestring Flyer wrote:When visiting Welshpool I often wonder what the late Bob Poole, airfield owner, had on the altimeter subscale that fatefully day when he hit the hillside?
It's pure speculation, but given his qualifications and type of flying he did, along with those of the guy* he was checking out in the Navajo, it's highly unlikely to have been QFE.
* who did the first two days of my full-time IMC course back in '93, and who drummed flying on QNH into me from the first hour.
GrahamB wrote:Shoestring Flyer wrote:When visiting Welshpool I often wonder what the late Bob Jones, airfield owner, had on the altimeter subscale that fateful day when he hit the hillside?
Fixed that for you.
JAFO wrote:GrahamB wrote:Shoestring Flyer wrote:When visiting Welshpool I often wonder what the late Bob Jones, airfield owner, had on the altimeter subscale that fateful day when he hit the hillside?
Fixed that for you.
There, fixed it for both of you.
Shoestring Flyer wrote:With plenty of time, teaching bomber circuits and a 3mile final, that all sounds good!
FredFly wrote:With all the machinations that we have to go through to land at a UK airfield (PPR, local procedures, circuit info, noise abatement areas, ect), who shows up without knowing the airfield altitude?
I agree with the replies above that QFE is moronic.
js1643 wrote:I suppose we have 99% also who blindly reach for the knob when told the QNH has changed and is now X. It's 27ft difference!!! I don't even bother.
FredFly wrote:
I agree with the replies above that QFE is moronic.
Oldfart wrote:In future when near controlled airspace our Group will request a Traffic Service.
On the day in question though, Farnborough East and North were unmanned, and no Traffic Service was available due “Controller Workload.”!!