Use this forum to flag up examples of red tape and gold plate
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Boss Man  Boss Man
I firmly believe that we are seeing the beginning of a new era in GA regulation - there's never been a better time to make logical, well constructed points, and to influence the future of GA regulation in the UK. I have spoken to the CAA and have received the clearest possible commitment that the posts on this forum will be read and will be considered. This is a huge opportunity and not one to be wasted - to that end there are a few simple points to consider before posting…

- Don't make this personal, this forum has been created to aid constructive progress.
- Don't expect the CAA to respond directly - but they'll will be listening
- Understand the limitations. Suggesting, as some did with the red tape challenge, that we should leave the EU mayt be your opinion, but it's not within the CAA's remit
- Wherever possible, provide real-world examples and suggest better alternatives

It is worth taking the time to read the CAA's response to the Red Tape Challenge but here their stated two guiding principles

1. Deregulate wherever possible
2. Maximise delegations


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