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By Ridders
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Designed to fit on the rudder pedals and sticks to stop the rudder, elevator and aelerons wanging about in the wind hitting the stops.

Comprises of

two rods (yellow colour in image) that slide into brackets that are screwed into existing under seat tray screws, and have springs that push the rudder forwards maintaining light tension on the rudder. The Rudder ends slot over the rudder bars.

Two control stick devices that split apart and go around the stick, securing via bungie cords with mini caribenas to little points on the air vent screws as well as a yellow strap thats attached to the seatbelt harness attach points.

This came with my RV9 but Ive replaced it with an anti-splat. If anyone is interested in this, either for an RV or for another type (it could likely be modified for something else) then PM me and make me an offer.