Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:59 am
Hello all,
I realise this probably crops up with alarming monotony (and apologies for not helping) but here's an excerpt from the most recent (August 2015) consolidated RotA + SERA + exemptions document[1]:

As we all know, 'night' in SERA-land (and ICAO I think?) is end-of-civil-evening-twilight to start-of-civil-morning-twilight but allowance is made to define this nationally. In the UK night was SS+30 to SR-30.
Has SERA now superseded this? Is the black-on-white text (SERA) here authoritative or is it the black-on-yellow (ANO) text? Why bother printing both definitions in this document?
Confusedly yours,
[1] ... geid=16635
I realise this probably crops up with alarming monotony (and apologies for not helping) but here's an excerpt from the most recent (August 2015) consolidated RotA + SERA + exemptions document[1]:

As we all know, 'night' in SERA-land (and ICAO I think?) is end-of-civil-evening-twilight to start-of-civil-morning-twilight but allowance is made to define this nationally. In the UK night was SS+30 to SR-30.
Has SERA now superseded this? Is the black-on-white text (SERA) here authoritative or is it the black-on-yellow (ANO) text? Why bother printing both definitions in this document?
Confusedly yours,
[1] ... geid=16635
Always learning.