Polite discussion about EASA, the CAA, the ANO and the delights of aviation regulation.
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This has maybe been touched on elsewhere but not 100% sure it was bottomed out.

With a UK Part FCL PPL and a current Class 2 medical can you also use the CAA/Cellma website to attain a Pilot Medical Declaration (PMD) so both are active?

A situation I can foresee is having a change in prescription which the CAA states needs a 2 week period to confirm no side effects. However, GP says I'm completely legal to carry on driving so would seem to be perfectly legal to fly under the PMD for that 2 weeks (no overseas and max 3 passengers).

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By Flyin'Dutch'
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Yes they can run concurrently and yes to apply you need to go on the Cellma website and you can there make the declaration when you are the view you meet the requirements.

Whether you do or not is a matter for you personally to determine, nobody can advise you in this matter further. You need to read teh guidance on teh CAA website.
BS wrote:.....
With a UK Part FCL PPL and a current Class 2 medical can you also use the CAA/Cellma website to attain a Pilot Medical Declaration (PMD) so both are active?


As Flying Dutch says: yes.

My own experience: because I offer quite a bit of licence advice and because the web site for making a declaration is dire*, but easier with practice, I make lots of them .
At last year's Class 2, the AMC saw these on my record, smiled and got on with the examination (I passed).

* I can not praise the CAA enough for the PMD itself.
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By russp
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Perfectly legal although you may wish to ensure you declare in the under 2000Kg category rather than the 2000-5700 category for which the list of conditions is long and somewhat vague and your prescription change may well fall foul of.
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