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By Trent772
A very pleasant day out, Leicester continues to be a very amicable and accommodating place.

Needed recurrent circuits for me and the other pilot in the PC-12, did a deal for 6 circuits - thank you, we stayed a bit higher and a little further outside the avoid paces and it worked splendidly.

Mo was away on his jollies, however the crew did spot on sarnies as ever.

Get some tea pots.... a small mug is never enough for us Yarksheer Tykes !

Visit, they are V friendly :thumleft:
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By Full Metal Jackass
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Always wondered why Slough is pronounced sss-lau yet loughborough is luff bor uh. Shouldn't, therefore, Slough be pronounced sluff? Or perhaps Loughborough needs to be named Lau-Bor-au?
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By GrahamB
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Full Metal Jackass wrote:Always wondered why Slough is pronounced sss-lau yet loughborough is luff bor uh. Shouldn't, therefore, Slough be pronounced sluff? Or perhaps Loughborough needs to be named Lau-Bor-au?

There are at least seven different ways that ‘ough’ can be pronounced, ergo at least forty-nine for Loughborough!
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By kanga
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Full Metal Jackass wrote:.. loughborough is luff bor uh. ..

A college friend was riding in an elevator on a US university campus. He was wearing a Loughborough University rugby shirt. A young lady stared at the logo for a while, and then said with triumph "Ah, I get it, 'lowbrow' " :)
Last edited by kanga on Wed May 18, 2022 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Paul_Sengupta
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
GrahamB wrote:There are at least seven different ways that ‘ough’ can be pronounced, ergo at least forty-nine for Loughborough!

It ought to be easy, though if you want to be thorough it can be tough to plough through all the combinations, especially if you have a cough.
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By Rob P
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Full Metal Jackass wrote:Slough be pronounced sluff? Or perhaps Loughborough needs to be named Lau-Bor-au?

I have always taken issue (though not personally) with Sean Bean and Lady Bader for rampant inconsistency

Rob P
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By Trent772

Revisited today - Brilliant.

Playing out in the PC-12 with the Boss.

Awful at Yeadon, but my learned friend who grows pines close to Leesester said it was beautiful.

Met up, had a cracking pie for lunch, did some circuits.

The chaps in the Falke also in the circuit were an interesting challenge, hope we didn’t upset you !

Headed north, up into the sun and back to a cloudy ILS at Yeadon.

Great day out and a super friendly place.
Charliesixtysix, Rob P V2.0, Iceman and 1 others liked this