For help, advice and discussion about stuff not related to aviation. Play nice: no religion, no politics and no axe grinding please.
I’d like to tap the collective wisdom of the flyer folk regarding selling event tickets for a small sports club.

My club wishes to offer a meal each week after the social tennis session. We need to know how many are coming in advance and commit them to paying. In an ideal world a member would buy a ticket on our website in advance of the set deadline (say Saturday for a Tuesday event). They would maybe be able to buy a ticket after the deadline at a higher price if any are still available.

The aim is to avoid the weekly hassle of chasing people for payment/commitment or them dropping out at the last moment leaving us with unsold food.

We already use an iZettle reader at the bar to collect payments for drink. Could we use iZettle to collect payments on our website and do we need an events app as well? The obvious would be to use Eventbrite or similar but on a £10 payment they would want about £1.50 ticketing fee.

Is there a way to go about this without forking out large sums on fees or even a different way of creating commitment and not demanding money for non-attendance after the event please?

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By Flyin'Dutch'
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Hi John, there are several commercial sites offering that service for a modest fee.

These are normally around the 10% mark and can be set up so the punter pays it as an extra, as it avoids you having to chase up folks it would be worth it to me. But everyone needs to weigh up how much their own time is worth.

If you don't like chasing folks, and dont want to fork out for site, just tell the punters to pay on the day or 50% after the event or when they don't appear.
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By seanxair
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
No expert in this and my only experience is as a payer rather than payee.

At our cricket club everyone is on WhatsApp. Various age groups/teams etc have one or two people who run socials and other stuff using Monzo as the internet bank.

Step 1. Is a WhatsApp message to the group as a poll 'We are eg having pizzas at the club after training, who's in?'

Vote option say 'Yes love to' or 'No, washing my hair'

So easy to see who has read message and who votes either way - may not even be viable to run the pizza eve sometimes

Step 2. Send Monzo link for payment to whole group asking for those who are coming to make payment which apparently is easy to track

Step 3. Reminder to whole group to effect of 'still waiting for payment for pizza evening. Cash payment on the evening available at x% above what you are charging via Monzo

From what I can see this approach seems to work for us without too much effort from the organisers point of view but there will always be frustration with no answers, slow payers etc no matter what you do I fear.
Thanks for your input. The concern is last minute cancellations or no shows. "Got stuck at work" or "too cold to play" etc. I've just been looking at Ticket Tailor who seem to charge about 60p per ticket for ticket processing. Unfortunately it seemsZettle can only be used for "in person" transactions so we would need to open a paypal, stripe or square payment processing account.
As above, use Eventbrite and they pay £11.50 or whatever if they want to pay in advance.

Better still, use Eventbrite free tickets and collect the £10 on the door.

If you want to offer payment in advance you then go into Eventbrite reports and get the email addresses and manually send a boilerplate email with your BACS / iZettle card payment details.

Eventbrite is childishly simple but if you don't like it there are ticketing alternatives or even Google Forms which can be embedded in a website or linked in an email.