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By CloudHound
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Saturday 12 Oct SCD

I watched tonight’s heats with some interest for the first time this season. Still don’t have a fav/crush but now feel invested enough to see tomorrow’s results.
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By Sooty25
Well, I've managed to avoid it this year until last night.

I'd forgotten how much Squarky Mabusi sounds like fingernails on a blackboard. When Craig can manage with as little 3 words, "not your night", yet she needs to screech a thousand, I don't know.

Camera crews, still seem expert in cutting out footwork and the steadicam remains pretty pointless.

The usual round of "who's he/she?" and a bit of googling to find out who some of the celebs were.

Give it a few weeks...

Highlight of the show for me was Amys rhumba, so pleased to see her back and looking well.
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By Rob P V2.0
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
CloudHound wrote:I watched tonight’s heats with some interest for the first time this season. Still don’t have a fav/crush but now feel invested enough to see tomorrow’s results.

Ah... That explains something that has puzzled me. The show is on a Saturday, but our correspondent's updates only happen on Monday.

I know I will regret asking this, but why don't they just give the results on Saturday? :scratch:

Rob P V2.0
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By PeteSpencer
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
So that the results can be leaked overnight as they have been this week for the second week in a row and spoil the mystique of a suspenseful 24 hour wait .

The audience are sworn to secrecy but that no longer seems to mean anything.

Btw. Enjoyed the go-compare bloke’s sneaky attempted ‘I feel a right tit’ grope , neatly warded off by Katya .

Sent the twitterati apoplectic :lol:
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By Rob P V2.0
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
PeteSpencer wrote:Enjoyed the go-compare bloke’s sneaky attempted ‘I feel a right tit’ grope

I become even more convinced that avoiding this is a good plan if that's what passes for entertainment.

Rob P V2.0
Rob P V2.0 wrote:I become even more convinced that avoiding this is a good plan if that's what passes for entertainment.

I don't know, Rob, between your unquestionable interest and number of posts on this thread I think you're a secret (or maybe not so secret?) fan. :thumright:
PeteSpencer liked this
By TopCat
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Rob P V2.0 wrote:
CloudHound wrote:I watched tonight’s heats with some interest for the first time this season. Still don’t have a fav/crush but now feel invested enough to see tomorrow’s results.

Ah... That explains something that has puzzled me. The show is on a Saturday, but our correspondent's updates only happen on Monday.

Well, I usually intend to post a report on Sundays but life has got in the way a bit so far this series. I've only just got back from the Cardiff flyin.

Rob wrote:I know I will regret asking this, but why don't they just give the results on Saturday? :scratch:
PeteSpencer wrote:So that the results can be leaked overnight as they have been this week for the second week in a row and spoil the mystique of a suspenseful 24 hour wait .

They've actually been leaked overnight every week, in every series since the beginning of time, if you know where to look, which actually I don't, but Mrs TC's parents always know on the Sunday, and are strictly enjoined from telling Mrs TC when she calls home.

So I won't know the results till tonight.

A few highlights....

Tasha and Aljaž's Charleston took them rightly to the top of the leaderboard, although 9-10-10-10 was well overmarked. Nines would have been fine, as it was brilliantly danced and packed with content, but not worth a ten in my book.

Other than that, Wynne and Katya's Tango was grossly overmarked, I thought, as she was clearly leading him through the whole routine which looked totally inauthentic to me. The male celebs are often faking it in that respect, but this one was a bit egregious. If something can be only a bit egregious.

Chris McC on the other hand is just getting better and better. His salsa with Diane was much better than I expected, great timing, lots of content, and needed very little in the way of explicit hand positioning from his partner. I don't know whether someone blind for a long age develops unusually good proprioception (it wouldn't surprise me), but his is really good, and he's getting quite watchable.

The other salsa was also excellent. Jamie really knew the routine, led it authentically - and thoroughly deserved to end up in third place.

At the other end, Punam's jive was woeful. Nothing really right about it at all, deservedly at the bottom, and ought to be very vulnerable in tonight's results.

Nick's Charleston was pretty awful, too, again, he could be vulnerable.
By TopCat
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Miscellaneous wrote:
Rob P V2.0 wrote:I become even more convinced that avoiding this is a good plan if that's what passes for entertainment.

I don't know, Rob, between your unquestionable interest and number of posts on this thread I think you're a secret (or maybe not so secret?) fan. :thumright:

It's certainly suspicious, isn't it. He's doing a great job, though.
PeteSpencer, Rob P V2.0 liked this
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By Rob P V2.0
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Miscellaneous wrote:... your unquestionable interest and number of posts on this thread I think you're a secret (or maybe not so secret?) fan.

Too right. I love this thread, people revealing the bizarre things they get their jollies from

It's the high spot of autumn!

Rob P V2.0
TopCat liked this
By johnm
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Over on BBC4 is the rather more upmarket young musician of the year, just in a different league, and happily Mrsjohnm deserted Strictly to watch it :D
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By Miscellaneous
Rob P V2.0 wrote:Too right. I love this thread, people revealing the bizarre things they get their jollies from

It's the high spot of autumn!

In what way is that not sadder than being in to the series??? :think: :wink:
By TopCat
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
So Shayne and Nancy in the dance-off was a surprise, but none at all that they went through against Nick and Luba.

Nick improved a lot in the dance-off, and actually his only failure was to really perform it, as well as dance it. I was less impressed with Shayne's Cha Cha Cha, which was more performance and a lot less technique.

There was even a hint of disagreement between myself and Mrs TC, which is usually very rare. She and I share a similar dance past and are usually of one mind. I thought Nick might have just pipped Shayne, as he was technically Ok whereas Shayne was doing the usual male celeb painting by numbers thing. But she preferred Shayne. Girls, eh.....

I don't think it was entirely a coincidence that Shayne was in an extremely garish bright yellow outfit, whereas Nick was in a muted, pastel pink thing.

As an old friend of mine, an excellent dance teacher, Argentine Tango dancer and now choreographer said to me once...

"If you wouldn't get beaten up wearing your competition outfit down the high street, it's not sparkly enough."
By johnm
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Do I gather that Mr Knowles is out of it??? If I see him in the Market Place I'll ask him if he cares :D
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