Learning to fly, or thinking of learning? Post your questions, comments and experiences here

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Quanta Mechanic wrote:To highlight what others have said, I’m not hung up on the hours, I just want to try and forecast the financials.

Pick a number between your age and 100 - it's as likely to be that number as any other.

I'm afraid that the answer "it takes what it takes" is as accurate as you're going to get.

It's all flying and your instructional flights will probably be some of the best you have because you should always be stretched just a little bit further than is comfortable today but in a safe environment. I've heard it said that instructors are those people who stop you from dying while you teach yourself to fly.

Enjoy it all and good luck.
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By lobstaboy
JAFO wrote: I've heard it said that instructors are those people who stop you from dying while you teach yourself to fly.

Ha! It certainly can feel like that in the right hand seat :shock:

It really is hard to predict how much dosh you’ll spend to licence. But that doesn’t matter really. What’s important is you can afford the rate of spending money, £XX per month. That’s the amount that you need to be clear about, Mr Micawber fashion.

Also, if you’re stretched too much learning, what are you going to do after you qualify? It isn’t going to get cheaper I’m afraid.

The Eurostar is a good training aeroplane (better than the C42 imho) and the folk at Barton are great, so you’ve chosen well there.

I won’t bang on any more about keeping away from the sim. Maybe you’ll see what I mean when you get started. Particularly in the Eurostar :lol: :lol:

Best of luck
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