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By Ucha Kavalishvili
Hello, can you tell me something about preparation before start the atpl theory course? i am interested in physics and mathematics skills requirements of flight schools. my level is not enough in these subjects and how can i solve this problem? before i start the atpl theory, should i pass tests in these subjects?
By Shiny
Ucha Kavalishvili wrote:Hello, can you tell me something about preparation before start the atpl theory course? i am interested in physics and mathematics skills requirements of flight schools. my level is not enough in these subjects and how can i solve this problem? before i start the atpl theory, should i pass tests in these subjects?

Hello Ucha,
As you say and as you're aware, the training schools do require a level of knowledge in maths and physics. The school I did it with had a revision module covering maths and physics, with study material as well as progress tests. So it's not just a test, there is the relevant material for you to learn as well. I had to pass this before I could start on the main course.

It's not a huge amount to learn and I'd say the complexity is GCSE/O level standard. Clearly you won't have access to the material until you sign up to the ATPL course, but it's probably worth giving the different schools a ring to see what they can do for a person in your position. There are lots and lots of people that embark on the ATPLs with limited maths knowledge so you are by no means alone!

There is a book I have come across that may be of help: Mathematics for Aviation by Barry Hamblin. I know you can get copies of this from one of the schools.

Let me know if you need more detail.
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By MaxRudder95
Hi Ucha

I have taught ATPL subjects and in my opinion most of the mathematics involved is generally GCSE level, sometimes slightly higher. The minimum requirements for most training organisations is a minimum of a C in Maths in Science. Although I would advise getting up to speed on rearranging equations and basic mathematics principles (BIDMAS, fractions etc) before starting a course.
By OptiGone
If you have an Apple device there is an excellent app, which is free, available from PadPilot. Its the only free app/ebook they do infact.

It will cover everything MR95 mentions above, well worth looking at.
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