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By AfricanEagle
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Cannes LFMD

Avgas 1.85 euro/lt on 02/04/2010
Taxes 60 euro for a 3 night stay

Self service but credit card machine broken so payment is done at the office in front of the pumps.
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By Iceman
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Always a very civilised airport to visit with that south of France feel. Normally full of business jets, the rich and the famous,

Iceman 8)
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By Merlin83b
Last time Iceman and I refuelled, we puzzled over the self service machine for a while before a friendly Pompier (and his less than friendly colleague) helped us out by turning the pumps on in exchange for my credit card being presented in the aforementioned office.
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By Merlin83b
Yep, that's next to the pumps.

As for final, that kind of depends on the runway in use ;) Every time we've been, we'd have been coming in from the right of your picture for the longer 'main' runway. We have parked on various occasions in the row of aircraft to the right of the runway you're approaching or by the hedge on the left. A Renault Espace has always been along in short order to pick us up and take us to the terminal.

Here's final to the runway we've used:
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By Steve H
As Peter pointed out, there is a bit of official silliness you seem to have to go through to get a 'certificate' that confirms you have read the operating procedures. It is simple enough - see here:

Also free WiFi in the terminal, just ask for the free access code at the information desk (staffed by some very attractive young ladies too)!!
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By flyingJ
my other local ! couple of topical point - as of last week (end may2010 the automatic avgas pumps were still broken and looked even further away from being fixed. (they are total and work with a Total air card only - previously they were half broken - you couldnt use the automatic pay device but the pompier would switch it on and you paid in the office with any credit card. Now it's delivery by truck only.again any c/c
re. procedures - if you're in or out from non schengen countries you will probably have to fill in pax forms for the police.Never come across this issue of signing to say you have read procs.
If visiting and you are parked the other side of the short runway from the hangars then you will be picked up by the handling Renault Espace for free (mustnt walk across runway) but if parked nearside to terminal you should walk unless you want a €60 handling fee.certain times there is a mandatory handling espec May (film fest monaco and June air expo) there are standard vfr routes in/out from a number of reporting points (eg WL WD)and you will be expected to know them
Also not 'Y' flight plans are banned during summer - you cant file ifr then arrive vfr
landing (you can avoid handling) is about €28 but parking for up to 2t can clock up at nearly €22 per day
On arrival struggling from the parking to the terminal after a 3.5 hr flight I usually look as if I've crossed the desert. With all of those raybanned 4 stripe uniforms jet jockeys around the policeman now makes a habit and a joke of asking me several times if I am 'vraiement le pilote?'
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By Steven Day
Beware. No avgas at Cannes at the moment. See notam. Could be another couple of weeks before any arrives, so the rumour on the apron went yesterday.

Guess who got caught out (after committing the cardinal sin of landing, parking up and leaving the airfield without refueling, before they ran out of gas a couple of days later)... :roll:

Cuers is one of the nearest fields with a now busy Avgas pump.

PS Cannes prices: Landing fees sub 2 tonnes is around 12 euro, by the way. as is parking per 24 hours.
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By Iceman
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Avgas rate €2.06 as of 27/05/2013.

Landing fee for a typical single €12.94 as of 27/05/2013.

A pleasent bar which overlooks the main runway.

Iceman 8)
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By Iceman
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
AirBP from 14th April 2014 so AirBP fuel cards accepted. Credit cards taken also.

Iceman 8)
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By Iceman
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Avgas rate still €2.06 as of 26/05/14.

A new one for me on this visit was requiring a tug to pull us off stand after requesting startup - alright, we were in a 3.1 tonne Cheiftain.

Iceman 8)
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By Iceman
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
BP Avgas rate €2.597 as of 22/06/24. If you have a BP card, be sure to use it, as it's cheaper at source than using a credit card. One side of the pumps is BP, the other credit card, so be sure to request taxi to the correct pump. Landing and overnight parking for a SEP of the order of £30.39 as of late June 2024.

Iceman 8)
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