Just a quick update:
A new hotel (Holiday Inn) is open adjacen to the FBO. It has a restaurant on the fifth floor that overlooks the apron and runway for those who like to see what's going on airside (Tip: Ask for a table by the window). Website is at:
http://www.hisouthend.com/GA parking on the apron is now mainly on the North Apron (by the old radar), however if you ar just staying a short time it may be possible to park you on Stand 13 or 14, depending on those required for biz-jet parking.
FBO Hours are approx. 0830 - 2030 Local time. (Tel: no. is 01702 608125). There is now an xray/Security requirement for pilots going through to airside from here.
FBO Security is H24, if access is required outsid eof the FBO hours, then arrange in advance with the FBO.
Fuel is available H24 also.
Airport is available H24, with PPR (from ATC 01702 538420) for flights between 2300-0630 Local time; Freecalls still accepted inbound on frequency 130.775.
Car Rental desks available in Passenger Terminal, or through Southend Handling.
Handling is mandatory for all visting aircraft in excess of 2500 KG MTWA. (Tel: 01702 538595 or 01702 608150).
HI-viz jacket required whilst on foot airside, and GA pilots are to remain outside the Critical Part area on the main terminal stands.
ATIS is 136.050MHz, or Tel: 0871 789 1365
Landing Fee for below 1.5 Tonnes is £24 (£28.80 with VAT at 20%), other rates available from website:
http://www.southendairport.com/airport- ... ns-of-use/