Mon Sep 30, 2024 5:16 pm
Another new one to the list!!
If you want to visit the Costa del Sol and not have to sell your organs to pay for landing /handling at Malaga then this is the place for you.
1000m hard runway just outside Velez-Malaga. Run by the Real Aero Club it has 2 Professional flight schools there turning out ATPL's at about €50,000 less than the bigger ATO's.
Spannish unicom is in use which can make life interesting at times but not difficult, just wobble on in English.
One approach over the hills and another over the town give a variety of stuation and experience. Watch out for the 2 big mountains 5500' and 7000' who focus the mind somewhat especially when arriving from the North.
All the information can be downloaded from their website but at 56 pages it is a weighty tome!
I'm sure the bar or kitchen might be open one day. Until then vending machines suffice.
Now the important stuff
Landing for a RV-12 €8.00
Parking €9.00, in the sun on the apron, or hangarage, in a nice clean, new hanger, at €19.00 per day. Bit of a no brainer really.
Avgas 100LL €3.16/L ( Visa or Mastercard).
I booked everthing in advance by email. ( Google translate is your friend).
Really nice people!!
If you want to visit the Costa del Sol and not have to sell your organs to pay for landing /handling at Malaga then this is the place for you.
1000m hard runway just outside Velez-Malaga. Run by the Real Aero Club it has 2 Professional flight schools there turning out ATPL's at about €50,000 less than the bigger ATO's.
Spannish unicom is in use which can make life interesting at times but not difficult, just wobble on in English.
One approach over the hills and another over the town give a variety of stuation and experience. Watch out for the 2 big mountains 5500' and 7000' who focus the mind somewhat especially when arriving from the North.
All the information can be downloaded from their website but at 56 pages it is a weighty tome!
I'm sure the bar or kitchen might be open one day. Until then vending machines suffice.
Now the important stuff
Landing for a RV-12 €8.00
Parking €9.00, in the sun on the apron, or hangarage, in a nice clean, new hanger, at €19.00 per day. Bit of a no brainer really.
Avgas 100LL €3.16/L ( Visa or Mastercard).
I booked everthing in advance by email. ( Google translate is your friend).
Really nice people!!