Group flying opportunities & questions

I am looking for an aircraft share to join.

I currently live in Plymouth, so the options for me are Newquay, Exeter, Bodmin and Dunkeswell.

I am a 29 year old professional, with around 100 hours in command over 3 years of flying time.

I learnt to fly at Manchester Barton aerodrome and was a member of a share there, before I sold up to go back to university and then ultimately move south. Currently flying from Newquay Airport.

Please feel free to reach out if you are currently selling/looking to sell or are looking to set up a new group.

Many thanks
Last edited by MIKECHARLIE794 on Sat Nov 18, 2023 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Flyin'Dutch' liked this
Pete L wrote:Also looking for a share in N Devon - Dunkeswell is probably mutually closest although Eaglescott is physically closer to my starting point.

Are you moving there? A friend of mine leaves near Eaglescott these days. Used to own a C170, and before that a C140, based at Bourne Park. He's now sold the aeroplane and given up flying though. Try looking at Eggesford as well, there are some part owned aeroplanes there I believe.
Iceman liked this