To discuss anything which relates to the FLYER Airportal or the magazine
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By skydriller
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
In the last couple of weeks I've noticed that the embedded Youtube videos on the forum don't play on the forum page itself, they time-out to an error message. If I click on the YouTube symbol btm right while they try to play then they open up in YouTube itself and play...

Is it just me...??

This is on Samsung A7 tablet & a new Samsung phone (no idea of what it is, it was about 250Euro). Haven't tried on laptop.

Regards, SD..
By riverrock83
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Do you have an ad blocker? More and more sites are blocking use if you block adverts on them, since the adverts pay for your access to the sites, seems fair enough.
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By skydriller
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
riverrock83 wrote:Do you have an ad blocker?

Not that I know about....