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Just been watching a few videos on the subject of UFOS.
Personally never seen one , but have a friend whose convinced that he has.
Usually get explained as balloons or cloud features--but we"ve got to Mars-so ????
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By Paul_Sengupta
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
I think it's funny on TV when they show incredible footage of lights in formation or highlighting a shape - which are obviously Chinese lanterns.
By TopCat
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
I think the great Richard Feynman has said the only thing that needs to be said about the likelihood of UFOs being alien spaceships.

It's not about whether it's possible that aliens visit us periodically, it's whether the evidence for it is good enough.
bogopper, Charles Hunt, akg1486 and 2 others liked this
I've seen an object which was flying that I could not identify. Do I think it was bug-eyed monsters from outer space? I do not.

It was in the mid-nineties, when I lived in a house which had, until just a few years before, housed members of the United States Air Force serving at Royal Air Force Bentwaters. The back of my house looked out in the direction of the entrance to the old base, the main runway, Cold War hardened aircraft shelters and, in the far distance, the old top secret site on Orford Ness and the antenna arrays of the abandoned Cobra Mist Top Secret over-the-horizon radar experiment.

One night between Christmas and New Year, I stepped out into my back garden to smoke a last cigarette before going to bed. The sky that night was half-covered by cloud with stars visible through the gaps. Over the trees I saw two white lights, it looked as though someone had parked a car a few hundred feet above the forest. Slowly, very slowly, the lights moved further apart. Eventually it became apparent that the lights were attached to something which was getting nearer and nearer, flying in a straight line from over the base to my house. Eventually, whatever it was flew over my head.

Of course, it’s not really possible to say if it was a small aircraft low down or a huge one much higher up because there was nothing to give it scale. The impression I had, though, was of a B-52 bomber on final approach; a B-52 has a wingspan of 56 metres. This wasn’t a B-52; it was a dark, kite-shaped aircraft with the blunter end moving forward with a white light on each, for want of a better description, wing-tip.

It flew over the top of my house but made no sound, none at all, not even the sound a glider would make rushing over your head. It moved very slowly. I ran to the front window and watched it carry on in a roughly north-westerly direction until it just disappeared from sight as it got further away, never deviating from its course or, apparently, changing speed.

I have no idea what it was. It was an object, it was flying, I can’t identify it. Therefore, it was a UFO. Beyond that I have no real idea; my very best guess would be that an American pilot who had previously stationed at RAF Bentwaters, was flying some kind of experimental aircraft, details of which have still not been released; I presume that he came to have a look at his old base. But who knows? All I know is that I’ve been mad about aeroplanes since I was seven, I spent hours at airshows and peeping through the wire at airbases as a teenager; I learned to fly at seventeen and joined the Royal Air Force as aircrew at eighteen. I’ve seen a few aircraft in my time and I’ve never seen one like that.

If anyone can identify it, I'd be chuffed.
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By Rob P
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
The Rendlesham Forest UFO event at Bentwaters some years earlier is very well known.

It is written up very seriously in most UFO fan sites.

Say it quietly, but the smart money is on a scheme to wind-up the cousins, devised by the nice boys from Hereford who'd had a bit of a run-in previously with the visiting forces in the course of a base security exercise where they were tasked as Red Force.

Could your sighting be a restaging of the earlier 'event' for a TV UFO show?

Rob P
Last edited by Rob P on Wed May 05, 2021 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
By TopCat
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
JAFO wrote:it was a dark, kite-shaped aircraft with the blunter end moving forward with a white light on each, for want of a better description, wing-tip.

"We have the sound cloaking on, Commander, but there's a human down there. Shall I turn the lights off?"

"No, it will creep him out far more if he can see us but not hear us. And make it real slow. Just crawl past at treetop height with the antigrav on silent too.. Only the crazies will believe him anyway. Oh, and just for grins, do it in reverse."
codejunkie liked this
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By akg1486
TopCat wrote:I think the great Richard Feynman has said the only thing that needs to be said about the likelihood of UFOs being alien spaceships.

<video link snipped>

It's not about whether it's possible that aliens visit us periodically, it's whether the evidence for it is good enough.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"
/Carl Sagan
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By skydriller
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Anyone remember the F117A?

As an aviation mad teenager I remember seeing a "silent dark triangle" fly over at medium altitude at dusk - no lights, couldnt identify it at the time, but thought the lack of sound wierd and provoking that "what the hell is that?" feeling that you remember... A year or two later the Nighthawk was revealed publicly, and recall thinking my "UFO" could well have been one.

Regards, SD..
Rob P, JAFO liked this
@skydriller - I'm still waiting for them to reveal publicly the kite-shaped aircraft I saw.
Miscellaneous wrote:@JAFO what evidence do you have that it was an aircraft?? :wink:

It was a craft, it was in the air. That's kind of all I needed. :wink:
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By Miscellaneous
@JAFO How do you know it was not above the air? :wink:

I saw something about 2 or 3 months ago which had me jump out my seat expecting to see a huge explosion as it hit the ground. The speed was phenomenal. :shock: Until about a week ago I thought I was the only one to have seen it. Speaking to a neighbour it transpires he had gone out with a bag of rubbish only to find himself back in the house bag still in hand slavering to his wife about something he had just seen in the sky.

I'm not hopeful that there will be an announcement. :D

I concluded it was aliens who came to say hello and on seeing the nature of our species they hightailed it out of here as fast as they possibly could. :lol:
Miscellaneous wrote:I concluded it was aliens who came to say hello and on seeing the nature of our species they hightailed it out of here as fast as they possibly could. :lol:

That would be understandable and would prove, above all else, intelligent life was out there cos there sure as heck ain't much of it down here. Present company excepted, of course.
By chevvron
Back in about 1986 I participated in a week of 'crop circle watches' organised by Prof Archie Roy of the University of Strathallan; it was situated at a particular area called 'Cheesefoot Head' near Winchester.
Myself and one other (several others took it in turns every night) watched avidly for any signs of crop circles being formed and I was just getting my head down for a kip at about 3.30 am when the other guy shouted 'come and look at this'.
There was a layer of haze showing just above the horizon in the early morning 'glow' and above this was a bright orange glowing irregular globe shape showing roughly due north from where we stood. We stood and watched for a few moments and moved towards the video recording station when the orange globe just disappeared; no fading or anything, it just 'winked' out.
We duly recorded our observations and continued watching until the disc of the rising sun emerged above the horizon about 20 deg to the right of where we had observed the glowing shape about one hour later.
I have heard of similar 'glowing' shapes carrying out this type of thing but only once have I seen it.