Sat May 04, 2024 10:47 am
Having taken off from a fairly nearby airfield in an aircraft containing a transponder, of a model I’m familiar with, but configured differently (Funke) I entered the Manchester low level corridor at an appropriate altitude with 7366 selected and “flipped to the top line” to set it as the active squawk and the Manchester frequency set on the radio. Shortly after entering the corridor, I realised that the xpdr was operating in “SBY” mode; standby. It seems that this particular transponder resets to SBY when turned on, whereas my previous experience with this type retains the mode previously used (“ACS”) unless deliberately changed. It was an oversight, entirely my fault and it should not have happened, but it did.
Finding myself in airspace in which having a functional transponder and not using it is likely to be viewed and reported as an infringement, but not having a functional transponder does not preclude entry, I had an internal debate about what it would be best to do; turn it on and highlight the fact that I had a functioning transponder and had not been using it, or leave it off and be seen as non-transponder equipped traffic.
I’m ashamed to say that I left the transponder off. I kick myself for the obvious reasons (stupid and selfish, reducing the safety of myself and others), but still understand why I did it. I learned from this; I will ensure that the situation is avoided in future; the level of familiarity I believed I had with the aircraft systems was clearly incorrect, and I failed to verify the operating mode of the transponder before flight. I can forgive myself for all of that; mistakes happen and we hopefully learn from them. Not turning it on when I became aware of the mistake; that’s what I regret… but would probably feel differently now awaiting my punishment.
Finding myself in airspace in which having a functional transponder and not using it is likely to be viewed and reported as an infringement, but not having a functional transponder does not preclude entry, I had an internal debate about what it would be best to do; turn it on and highlight the fact that I had a functioning transponder and had not been using it, or leave it off and be seen as non-transponder equipped traffic.
I’m ashamed to say that I left the transponder off. I kick myself for the obvious reasons (stupid and selfish, reducing the safety of myself and others), but still understand why I did it. I learned from this; I will ensure that the situation is avoided in future; the level of familiarity I believed I had with the aircraft systems was clearly incorrect, and I failed to verify the operating mode of the transponder before flight. I can forgive myself for all of that; mistakes happen and we hopefully learn from them. Not turning it on when I became aware of the mistake; that’s what I regret… but would probably feel differently now awaiting my punishment.