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By AfricanEagle
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
11 years ago today I bought my very own aeroplane.

Since then:

759:54 hours in the sky
942 flights
960 landings
22,347 liters of avgas (equivalent to a full tank of fuel for a Boeing 737)
142 kg of oil

Incalculable joy and happiness
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By none
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
Great going African Eagle . I bought my aircraft 9 years ago, over 1000 hours since, must do the maths like you…!

As we both know this is a drug for which there is no known cure, long may the adventures continue ……!
By Dominie
none wrote:<snip>must do the maths like you…! <snip>

Those are maths that I am definitely NOT doing!!! I positively refuse to add up the cost of my hobby.
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By T6Harvard
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
An old friend asked me if I was sad I only discovered my addiction to flying, huh hum, later in life. I said no, because at least I'll only be really poor for a short time :lol:

Who cares how much it costs, so long I have a roof over my head and a bite to eat, I'm living a dream.

It would be great though, if someone paid me 1p for every word I spoke or wrote about flying, I'd be a millionaire. Well, tbh, a multi millionaire :lol:
AndyR, ChampChump, kanga and 2 others liked this
By UncleT
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
T6Harvard wrote:It would be great though, if someone paid me 1p for every word I spoke or wrote about flying, I'd be a millionaire. Well, tbh, a multi millionaire :lol:

I've been expecting you to write and eagerly awaiting a book on your experiences learning to fly. That would be bestseller material.
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By T6Harvard
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
UncleT wrote:
T6Harvard wrote:It would be great though, if someone paid me 1p for every word I spoke or wrote about flying, I'd be a millionaire. Well, tbh, a multi millionaire :lol:

I've been expecting you to write and eagerly awaiting a book on your experiences learning to fly. That would be bestseller material.

:lol: :lol: :lol: @steve64 writes far better descriptions that I.

But, funnily enough, I am on the local guest speaker circuit. MrT6 thinks it's hilarious that I get paid for waffling on and he gets an evening of peace and quiet. As he said, "Win win" :thumleft: :thumleft:
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By kanga
FLYER Club Member  FLYER Club Member
'Auntie'* Leia @leiafee seems not to have added to her blog since 2021, but it is one I often recommend to those, especially younger ones, just embarking on the GA flying journey

[*several of her early postings mentioned taking her then small nephew up as a passenger, and he was sometimes with her at fly-ins and at the YES stand at the Rallies]
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